In the streets of La Roue, eight round trees arise, in whose tops we can read a poem that evokes the area we are visiting.

The Irish artist Orla Barry used the poems of Mimi Khalvati as the basis for her permanent installation, Trees of Circular Motion, on
Lustplein. The work consists of eight circular enamel boards that refer
to the name of the district, Het Rad (The Wheel). The texts, which
radiate from the centre, may also remind one of a diagrammatic map,
with streets and squares leading out from the centre.

" Voici les trottoirs, en rang deux par deux
les bonnes soeurs avec les enfants, le tram, la rivière,
le lac où les enfants se baignaient "
on display
Het Rad in Anderlecht is a pleasant garden district comprising small workers' houses. It was built in the 1920s, based on the Dutch and British models, to offer workers from the cities a healthy environment to live in. Since then, an interesting social mix has developed, of newcomers and old Belgians, tenants and owner-occupiers. The district extends from Bergensesteenweg to the canal, and is crossed by the Ghent-Brussels railway line. Courses in catering, hotel and agriculture are offered at the COOVI and CERIA campus.
In February 2013, the permanent sculpture Trees of Circular Motion was inaugurated during a happening at Lustplein.
In Het Rad, Passa Porta cooperated with Anderlecht Council, Wijkcomité Het Rad, Wijkcomité Het Rad 1960, Gemeentelijke basisschool Het Rad, Elishout / COOVI, GC De Rinck, Gemeentelijke Nederlandstalige openbare bibliotheek and Bibliothèque Espace Maurice Carême.